Enhancing Business Efficiency through Low-Code/No-Code Technology Adoption: Insights from an Extended UTAUT Model

Siti Fatimah Abdul Razak, Yow Phey Ernn, Farah Izzati Yussoff, Umar Ali Bukar, Sumendra Yogarayan


The growing need for new applications and software has driven developers to seek quick development options. As a result, the low-code/no-code technology platform emerges as a potential option, leading to the adoption of low-code and no-code technologies in enterprises becoming a focus of inquiry. This study aims to examine users' behavioral intentions toward the adoption of the low-code/no-code technology platform, considering the increasing need for new applications. The Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model serves as the theoretical framework for understanding the factors influencing individuals’ intentions to adopt low-code or no-code technologies. The study focused on the five key components of the model: Performance Expectation (PE), Effort Expectation (EE), Social Influence (SI), Perceived Risk (PR), and Perceived Cost (PC). Based on the surveys and data analysis techniques, the findings show relationship between these five categories with an individual's Behavioral Intention (BI) to adopt low-code/no-code technologies. Furthermore, the analysis identifies the most significant BI construct. These findings are beneficial to businesses seeking to enhance efficiency and expedite application development processes in response to increasing digital demands. In general, this study contributes to the topic of technology adoption and improves our understanding of the practicality of the Extended UTAUT model.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-01-07

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Low Code/No Code; Extended UTAUT; Business Technology; Technology Adoption.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2024-05-01-07


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Copyright (c) 2024 Phey Ernn Yow, Siti Fatimah Abdul Razak, Farah Izzati Yussoff, Sumendra Yogarayan