Deciphering Emotional Sensitivity in Social Media: A Paradigm for Brand Equity Enhancement

Nuttawat Srisuk, Wilert Puriwat, Chavalit Ratanatamskul, Danupol Hoonsopon


This study rigorously explores the transformative impact of the digital landscape on businesses and consumers, with a specific focus on the pivotal role of social media engagement in shaping brand equity. Aligned with the contemporary imperative for businesses to establish a robust online presence, our primary objectives involve gaining a comprehensive understanding of the transformative impact of social media engagement on brand equity and exploring the nuanced dynamics of consumer relationships cultivated through these platforms. To precisely assess this impact, our research employs a rigorous methodology, introducing validated Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to quantitatively measure the influence of social media engagement behaviors on various dimensions of brand equity. The findings reveal crucial insights: liking enhances brand-consumer relationships, sharing significantly impacts self-presentation motives, and commenting complements brand association and loyalty. These insights contribute to a nuanced understanding of how specific engagement behaviors distinctly influence elements of brand equity. The novelty of our research lies in developing and validating a precise measurement model for the impact of social media engagement on brand equity, representing a significant improvement and addressing a notable gap in the existing literature. This scholarly contribution extends its relevance to both academic research and practical applications in digital marketing. The study not only highlights the transformative influence of social media engagement on brand equity but also signifies a methodological advancement through SEM. The derived insights offer actionable implications for enhancing digital marketing strategies, optimizing social media performance, and fostering long-term sustainability in the ever-evolving digital landscape.


Doi: 10.28991/HEF-2023-04-04-02

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Social Media Engagement; Brand Equity; Brand Relationship Connection; Self-Presentation; Purchase Intention.


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DOI: 10.28991/HEF-2023-04-04-02


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Copyright (c) 2024 Nuttawat Srisuk, Professor Dr. Wilert Puriwat, Professor Dr. Chavalit Ratanatamskul, Assistant Professor Dr.Danupol Hoonsopon